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OT: More racing!

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Alan Baker

Apr 8, 2017, 8:39:12 PM4/8/17
I realize that certain people here are obsessed with my life and
pastimes, so who am I do deny them one of the few bits of pleasure they
get from life?

So here's a video from a race in 2015 (I found some video I'd forgotten
I'd taken), and it is easily the best battle I've had in a Formula Ford:


Dave McKay and I went back and forth for entire race, and in the end, I
beat him to the finish line by just 6 one hundredths of a second.



Thomas E.

Apr 9, 2017, 12:10:21 PM4/9/17
Got lapped then, still getting lapped now. This time it was Floer who lapped you. You finished 16 seconds in front of Floer in that 2015 race. He easily lapped you in the April 2 races #2 and #3. McKay easily beat you in both of those races too. You are definitely going backwards in FF. Maybe you could get the relatives together to subsidize a driving school refresher course?


Alan Baker

Apr 9, 2017, 1:42:07 PM4/9/17
What are you talking about, Liarboy.

I wasn't lapped by any Formula Fords in that video.

Alan Baker

Apr 9, 2017, 2:42:48 PM4/9/17
On 2017-04-09 9:10 AM, Thomas E. wrote:
Oh, I see, Liarboy:

In your eagerness to denigrate, you've never bothered to actually learn
how to read a lap chart!

You think that Alan McColl lapped me in that race because he completed
17 laps to my 16...

...only that doesn't tell the whole story.

Look at his total time to complete those 17 laps, Liarboy: 20:49.145.

That's 40 seconds longer than I took to complete 16 laps.

What it shows is that while I was lapped by the overall race leader
(regardless of class), Alan McColl was still on the same lap. So when
the overall leader takes the chequered flag, each car behind him takes
the flag at that point. So a lapped car such as myself finishes with one
less lap completely, but a car that hasn't been lapped finishes with the
same number of laps as the leader.

Remember when you outlined my record last year, Liarboy?

Let me add a few corrections for you:

'Date Race Starters Finishers Position Notes
1-May OW2 3 2 DNF

1-May OW3 3 3 2 Lapped by McColl
Incorrect. I finished 15 laps in 19:55 vs Alan's 16 in 20:25

6-Aug OW1 5 5 5 Lapped by McColl
Incorrect. 16 laps in 20:19 to 17 laps in 20:32

7-Aug OW2 5 4 4 Lapped by McColl 2x
Probably correct.

7-Aug OW3 4 4 4 Lapped by McColl

10-Sep OW1 5 5 5 Lapped by McColl

11-Sep OW2 5 5 5 Lapped by McColl

11-Sep OW3 5 5 5
9-Oct OW2 4 3 2
9-Oct OW3 3 2 2
All correct. And I was getting steadily faster with each race. :-)

For future reference, Liarboy, when looking at the results of a race, a
car is only lapped if the car that has completed more laps than another
has also completed them in less total time.

Now, would you like to learn something about your analysis of my ability
as well?


Apr 9, 2017, 8:04:32 PM4/9/17
IT was one lap and 41 seconds behind the leader McColl. No matter how much the Shit Stain bobs and weaves, dances, fabricates and goalpost drags.

41 SECONDS!!!!!! Convert that to KM. In racing, light years.

Apr 9, 2017, 8:06:16 PM4/9/17
PS: If the race went for one more lap, the Shit Stain, would have definitely been lapped.

Alan Baker

Apr 9, 2017, 9:04:41 PM4/9/17
1. I wasn't one lap behind Alan. I was lapped by the leader (in another
class) and he wasn't, so he had to race to the end of his 17th lap.

2. I wasn't 41 seconds behind, but rather only 32 seconds. Take the time
he finished his 17th lap and subtract his lap time of around 1:12-1:13,
and he was 32 seconds ahead when he completed his 16th lap. BTW, that's
clearly less than one lap ahead.

3. In a 20 minute race, 32 seconds is about 2.5%. Being 2.5% behind a
guy who is as fast as a national champion in only my third season of
racing isn't bad at all, I think.


Alan Baker

Apr 9, 2017, 9:25:27 PM4/9/17

He was still 41 seconds behind me when he finished his 17th lap. His
average for 17 laps was about 1:13.5 seconds. My 20:08.924 over 16 laps
averages out to about 1:15.5. So he was gaining at about 2 seconds a
lap, and would need about another 20 laps to have caught me.

What a pity you can't even manage simple arithmetic...

Thomas E.

Apr 9, 2017, 9:41:06 PM4/9/17
I see. Thanks for clearing that up.

So, re-phrasing, you lost badly to McColl in that race, and continue to lose badly, but to different drivers. One of those different drivers just ran off and left you in the most recent race. He had a bad day in 2015. You had an average day, which is nothing to brag about.

Alan Baker

Apr 9, 2017, 9:53:35 PM4/9/17
I lost badly to Alan McColl in one race where my car was running very

Dave McKay didn't have a bad day, and neither did I.

This just past weekend, the car had a misfire and I only managed get rid
of it for the final race of the day, and I had to use my old tires and
not fresh ones due to a last minute problem that prevented me from
filling the good ones.

I see you would like some more schooling in the analysis of racing
performance, though, so here's a little tidbit for you:

While the car wasn't great in the dry, I was less than half a second
slower than Doug Floer qualifying in the wet on Saturday morning.


In the wet, it's less about the car and more about the driver, and that
was only my second session in the car this year as compared to Doug
having run the Friday practice day. If the engine hadn't been a little
off-song, I would almost certainly have out-qualified him.

Just a little something to make you less tragically ignorant, Liarboy.

Thomas E.

Apr 10, 2017, 9:21:40 AM4/10/17
A last minute problem that prevented you from filling tires? Why did you wait to the last minute?

Loserboy, you are full of excuses. It's always something. Engine problems, tires, another driver's fault, etc.

If your competitors were as bad, you would be winning a few races. They are better drivers and owners. They are just better than you at racing.

Just a little something to make you less tragically ignorant, Loserboy.

Thomas E.

Apr 10, 2017, 10:49:55 AM4/10/17
So, you were SO close to Floer in the qualifying? You averaged 1 second per lap slower in the first race on a wet track. In the final race, after you say the engine was "fixed" you were more than 1 second per lap slower than Floer. Were you also on new tires? Your best lap time was almost 4 seconds slower than winner Floer. In fact, Floer was first overall.

So if the engine and tires were the real issue, why no improvement in race 3?

Alan Baker

Apr 10, 2017, 11:41:57 AM4/10/17
Because I had no way of knowing there'd be a problem, Liarboy.

> Loserboy, you are full of excuses. It's always something. Engine
> problems, tires, another driver's fault, etc.

There's a lot to get right with a race car, Liarboy, and unlike Alan
McColl, I don't have a fully equipped professional garage and 30 years
of experience. :-)

> If your competitors were as bad, you would be winning a few races.
> They are better drivers and owners. They are just better than you at
> racing.

Yet you always excuse them when they DNF or just don't show up.

Alan Baker

Apr 10, 2017, 11:48:57 AM4/10/17

> You averaged 1
> second per lap slower in the first race on a wet track. In the final
> race, after you say the engine was "fixed" you were more than 1
> second per lap slower than Floer. Were you also on new tires?

Nope. He was, but I wasn't.

> Your
> best lap time was almost 4 seconds slower than winner Floer. In fact,
> Floer was first overall.

Yup... ...and?

> So if the engine and tires were the real issue, why no improvement in
> race 3?

I got rid of the misfire, but I didn't have the time to reset the
jetting, so I was down on power.

Apr 10, 2017, 1:50:28 PM4/10/17
It's highly amusing watching the Shit Stain twist and contort like the demented eel IT is, in trying to better IT'S abysmal record.

The Shit Stain can't do ANYTHING right.

IT races like granny, toodling around the track like IT'S out for a Sunday drive.

Eagerly awaiting IT'S next, head up IT'S ass crash.




Alan Baker

Apr 10, 2017, 1:57:26 PM4/10/17
Any time you're willing to come out and show your stuff, Michael...

Was the guy I was racing (and beat) "toodling around"?


Apr 10, 2017, 3:19:14 PM4/10/17
Heard that song before, Shit Stain. You're all hat...

The last time you sang, you were a no-show at Sebring...




Alan Baker

Apr 10, 2017, 3:20:13 PM4/10/17
If only you had any proof you were there...


Apr 10, 2017, 4:20:19 PM4/10/17
WOW!!!! A less than one minute response!!! Must be another slow computing week...

And... ...role reversal... ...again...

And you, big mouth, wouldn't supply your proof, so your point is moot...

And, Shit Stain, you conveniently forgot about my proffer that we race the Taconic between I-84 & RT6 using the same car and fasted time wins... ...but you punked there also...


You are a natural born Luzer...


Alan Baker

Apr 10, 2017, 4:29:45 PM4/10/17
Wow. It's almost like there's a.... ...let's call it a "computer"
informing me when I have new posts.

> And... ...role reversal... ...again...

You realize you're on record both as claiming you were there AND
claiming you didn't come because it wasn't worth your while, right?

> And you, big mouth, wouldn't supply your proof, so your point is moot...

Supplied numerous times, Michael. Sorry.

> And, Shit Stain, you conveniently forgot about my proffer that we race the Taconic between I-84 & RT6 using the same car and fasted time wins... ...but you punked there also...

Riiiiiiiight. I should go thousands of miles out of my way to find you
not there... ...again.

Do you remember when you first said you weren't willing to race on a
course, because it didn't offer you enough opportunity to run me off the

...and then when push came to shove you wanted to autocross instead?


> :-)
> You are a natural born Luzer...


Apr 10, 2017, 5:13:07 PM4/10/17
So sad... have nothing to back yourself up with, but... ... lies, Liar-Boy....err...Shit Stain...


Too bad you will avoid meeting me face to face at any price, Shit Stain. I would enjoy shaking hands, with your ugly face. But in a face to face, the cat would have swallowed your tongue.

Ok, lie away, Shit Stain, I'm off to a new thread.


Alan Baker

Apr 10, 2017, 6:00:43 PM4/10/17
You were offered that chance, and would have gotten $50 as well...

...but you "reconsidered"..

Apr 10, 2017, 6:04:19 PM4/10/17
Awwwww...poor widdle Shit Stain, forced to lie... ..yet again.



Alan Baker

Apr 10, 2017, 6:10:05 PM4/10/17
As always, Michael: I can prove what I say:

>You're the one who declared it to be sufficient, Michael.

I have reconsidered.

>Me: "Come out and take the course."

I'm not so sure about that.

>You: "What's my incentive?"

>Me: "How about $50?"

>You: "If you guarantee to hand it to me personally, I'll meet you at
>Sebring. "

>And now all you're doing is making excuses.

I have reconsidered - my prerogative.


You lose... ...again.



Apr 10, 2017, 7:00:49 PM4/10/17
Yes... I seem to recollect something like that. You wanted to meet me, and said if I allowed you to suck my dick you would pay me $50 bucks. But I refused since I only allow women to do that, and you are only half a woman.

You lose, Shit Stain... ...again.

Alan Baker

Apr 10, 2017, 8:39:22 PM4/10/17
If only you could change the world after the fact, Michael...

I can quote chapter and verse if you insist...

Apr 11, 2017, 7:36:38 AM4/11/17
I find it cute how you altered the post, which is a way of lying, in a failed attempt to reinforce your original lie, Liar-Boy....err....Shit Stain.

You really are a low life, sub-human turd.


Apr 11, 2017, 7:39:22 AM4/11/17
I said, I don't want you to suck my dick. Visit your friends at the Pumpjack Pub, I'm sure you can have your pick of dicks there.

> I can quote chapter and verse if you insist...

You mean, make up more altered posts like your wont to do? Yes, Shit Stain, I'm sure you can and have.


Apr 11, 2017, 8:42:50 AM4/11/17
So, Liar-Boy,... ...err...Shit Stain, Google Groups, which is what I post to, informs you that there's a new message waiting for you?, Liar-Boy, it doesn't work like that.

It's no wonder that you're an asshole when it comes to anything computers.



Wadda Dick.

Alan Baker

Apr 11, 2017, 2:19:10 PM4/11/17
I don't use Google Groups, Michael: I use Thunderbird.

I guess you lacked the wit to notice that.

Preferences:General:When new messages arrive:Play a sound.

Alan Baker

Apr 11, 2017, 2:19:44 PM4/11/17
I altered nothing at all, Michael.

How could I?

> You really are a low life, sub-human turd.
> :-)

Alan Baker

Apr 11, 2017, 2:20:12 PM4/11/17
How can I alter posts in Google's archive, Michael?

Apr 11, 2017, 4:41:50 PM4/11/17
Errrrr right. I don't email you at Tbird, Shit Stain. I post to Google Groups.

I guess you lack the wit to lie good.

Apr 11, 2017, 4:45:19 PM4/11/17
Awwww...claiming stoopidity, Shit Stain.

You were so stoopid, you added "Me" and "you" to a bunch of lines in the "supposed" "original" post.

You get stoopider by the day.

And... can't even keep track of your lies.


Alan Baker

Apr 11, 2017, 4:53:34 PM4/11/17
Right. And when new messages arrive in Thunderbird's newsclient...

...oh, you didn't know it HAD a newsclient!

> I guess you lack the wit to lie good.
> It's no wonder that you're an asshole when it comes to anything
> computers.


Apr 11, 2017, 4:53:35 PM4/11/17
Copy ... ...paste... ...alter... ...attach to another site.

OK, Dick... ... we are done for now... ...maybe.

I love to give you false hope that you have won.

Bottom line: you punked at Sebring.

You punked on the Taconic run.

You punked on autocross becaue "widdle baby was afraid I would run you off the road".

And... punked on Lime Rock.

But, if I'm ever fortunate enough to see your ugly face close up, I will make you eat a mile of shit, in an attempt to force you to throw the first punch.

My bet, you will eat the shit... ... because you are a big mouth cunt without any balls, except behind the keyboard?

And, you have a super fucked-up voice.

Ta ta... ...maybe.

But in the meanwhile, keep contorting. You are entertaining many here, because you are so inept.


Alan Baker

Apr 11, 2017, 4:54:15 PM4/11/17
Nope. You're claiming I altered a post.

> You were so stoopid, you added "Me" and "you" to a bunch of lines in the "supposed" "original" post.

You want to see the original exchange one by one?

Alan Baker

Apr 11, 2017, 4:59:26 PM4/11/17
Except I didn't.

> OK, Dick... ... we are done for now... ...maybe.

Running away again? So soon?

> I love to give you false hope that you have won.
> Bottom line: you punked at Sebring.

Bottom line: you can't prove you were there, and I can.


> You punked on the Taconic run.

Never agreed to going most of the way across the continent

> You punked on autocross becaue "widdle baby was afraid I would run you off the road".

Role-reversal at its finest.

> And... punked on Lime Rock.

Actually, no. That's where YOU punked, Michael, by wanting to switch
from track racing (for which you're not actually qualified) to an
autocross, IIRC.


> But, if I'm ever fortunate enough to see your ugly face close up, I will make you eat a mile of shit, in an attempt to force you to throw the first punch.

Will you get out of your wheelchair for that?

> My bet, you will eat the shit... ... because you are a big mouth cunt without any balls, except behind the keyboard?
> And, you have a super fucked-up voice.
> Ta ta... ...maybe.
> But in the meanwhile, keep contorting. You are entertaining many here, because you are so inept.

"In truth, I have been mentally ill, and I have been trying to get well."

“Very well, I'm still mentally ill, but I can enjoy it now.”

“I want to thank you.

You were a great help in my recovery.

When a sick mind reaches a certain point, it snaps. Some of the snaps,
as in my case, are positive.

I am leaving Usenet.

I hope I have left you with some positives.

The best advice I can leave you with is; Fuck everybody. Do what you
want, and fuck what they think.

Again, Many, many thanks.”

“Again I thank you. Your example, has made me well.”

“I am sorry”

“But my bet, you just can't resist getting in the last word. Just
another one of your mental defects.”

Apr 11, 2017, 5:05:45 PM4/11/17
You lost, Shit Stain... ...a long time ago.



Thomas E.

Apr 11, 2017, 8:56:41 PM4/11/17
On Monday, April 10, 2017 at 11:48:57 AM UTC-4, Alan Baker wrote:
> On 2017-04-10 7:49 AM, Thomas E. wrote:
> > On Sunday, April 9, 2017 at 9:53:35 PM UTC-4, Alan Baker wrote:
> >> On 2017-04-09 6:41 PM, Thomas E. wrote:
> >>> On Sunday, April 9, 2017 at 2:42:48 PM UTC-4, Alan Baker wrote:
> >>>> On 2017-04-09 9:10 AM, Thomas E. wrote:
> >>>>> On Saturday, April 8, 2017 at 8:39:12 PM UTC-4, Alan Baker
> Yup.
> > You averaged 1
> > second per lap slower in the first race on a wet track. In the final
> > race, after you say the engine was "fixed" you were more than 1
> > second per lap slower than Floer. Were you also on new tires?
> Nope. He was, but I wasn't.
> > Your
> > best lap time was almost 4 seconds slower than winner Floer. In fact,
> > Floer was first overall.
> Yup... ...and?
> >
> > So if the engine and tires were the real issue, why no improvement in
> > race 3?
> I got rid of the misfire, but I didn't have the time to reset the
> jetting, so I was down on power.

OMG Loserboy, it's always something! Worn tires, a loose carb, detonation and burned pistons, a misfire, wrong jet setting, 4% overweight, rear-ended by a faster car, spin outs, and more. You may run out of skill, time and money, but you will never run out of excuses!

Thomas E.

Apr 11, 2017, 8:57:38 PM4/11/17
You just cannot ignore that sociopath, can you?


Apr 11, 2017, 9:09:14 PM4/11/17
Tommy wrote:
> ..., it's always something! Worn tires, a loose carb, detonation and burned pistons,
> a misfire, wrong jet setting, 4% overweight, rear-ended by a faster car, spin outs,
> and more...

So long as he's still enjoying what he's doing, it doesn't really matter, doesn't it?

..or is it that you only derive your own personal happiness by tearing others down?
That's fucked up, dude.

...particularly since he outright owns the toys for his hobby, which you have never done.
Perhaps your hostility is just jealously? From this insight, it certainly appears that way.


Alan Baker

Apr 11, 2017, 11:06:47 PM4/11/17

Alan Baker

Apr 11, 2017, 11:08:53 PM4/11/17
Sorry, Liarboy, but there's lots to this game, and I'm certainly not a
master of any part of it yet.

But how is getting hit from behind an "excuse".

I was hit...

...from behind... a rookie who screwed up.

Alan Baker

Apr 12, 2017, 3:18:01 AM4/12/17
Running away again, Michael?

Don't you always?

Apr 12, 2017, 1:01:38 PM4/12/17
And you wonder why everyone here thinks your as big an asshole as the Shit Stain?

Apr 12, 2017, 1:05:51 PM4/12/17

It sure don't look it.



You'll never learn, Shit Stain. And your daddi knew it.

Alan Baker

Apr 12, 2017, 1:31:16 PM4/12/17
It does to the people who actually understand what happened.

Alan Baker

Apr 12, 2017, 1:31:42 PM4/12/17
Does it sting that even the Liarboy recognizes you for what you are,

Apr 12, 2017, 2:02:54 PM4/12/17
No, Shit Stain, it doesn't. Like you, if he lives or dies, it wouldn't make a bit of difference to me.

Did it sting that your daddi recognized you for the Luzer you are, so long ago? And you didn't improve one bit. In fact, you have sunk even lower.


bye. :-)

Alan Baker

Apr 12, 2017, 2:12:05 PM4/12/17
So... ..."yes".


> Did it sting that your daddi recognized you for the Luzer you are, so long ago? And you didn't improve one bit. In fact, you have sunk even lower.
> :-)
> bye. :-)

As if you have ever actually been able to follow through...

Apr 12, 2017, 2:21:34 PM4/12/17
Awwwwww...the widdle Shit Stain can't understand the written word. Tsk, tsk, tsk.

> :-)
> >
> > Did it sting that your daddi recognized you for the Luzer you are, so long ago? And you didn't improve one bit. In fact, you have sunk even lower.
> >
> > :-)
> >
> > bye. :-)
> >
> >
> As if you have ever actually been able to follow through...

I Love giving you false hope, Shit Stain...

I'm sure you get excited thinking you really won, and then, like when the jocks at school took your lunch money and made you suck their dicks, your high hopes get dashed... or maybe you were hoping they would make you suck their dicks...


bye... ...

Thomas E.

Apr 12, 2017, 4:33:27 PM4/12/17
Excuse me, but my other hobby is skiing. I rented the first time in 1986, and have owned every since. I also own a whole bag of flying accessories. That would include 4 headsets, an ADS-B receiver, and a handheld backup VHF transceiver /VOR/Localizer receiver. I have also paid for over 100 hours of flight instruction.

You can't buy and maintain an airplane for anywhere near the cost of Alan's FF car. For a 172 at least $10 grand a year for hanger, annual inspection, insurance and fuel for 50 hours of flying. Then there are the things that break and have to be fixed. A single tire costs about $300 for the tire, tube and labor. I had one go flat last summer and had to get a quote from the local shop before I could get the repair authorized by CAP.

Thomas E.

Apr 12, 2017, 4:34:24 PM4/12/17
You are far from a master at it. That's why you are Loserboy.

Apr 12, 2017, 4:41:49 PM4/12/17
Why don't you STFU for a while. The Shit Stain has you chasing your tail like a rabid mutt.

Alan Baker

Apr 12, 2017, 4:43:11 PM4/12/17
On 2017-04-12 1:33 PM, Thomas E. wrote:
> On Tuesday, April 11, 2017 at 9:09:14 PM UTC-4, -hh wrote:
>> Tommy wrote:
>>> ..., it's always something! Worn tires, a loose carb, detonation
>>> and burned pistons, a misfire, wrong jet setting, 4% overweight,
>>> rear-ended by a faster car, spin outs, and more...
>> So long as he's still enjoying what he's doing, it doesn't really
>> matter, doesn't it?
>> ..or is it that you only derive your own personal happiness by
>> tearing others down? That's fucked up, dude.
>> ...particularly since he outright owns the toys for his hobby,
>> which you have never done. Perhaps your hostility is just
>> jealously? From this insight, it certainly appears that way.
>> -hh
> Excuse me, but my other hobby is skiing. I rented the first time in
> 1986, and have owned every since. I also own a whole bag of flying
> accessories. That would include 4 headsets, an ADS-B receiver, and a
> handheld backup VHF transceiver /VOR/Localizer receiver. I have also
> paid for over 100 hours of flight instruction.

Wow. You've owned skis!

I'm a skier, too, Liarboy; an instructor in fact.

> You can't buy and maintain an airplane for anywhere near the cost of
> Alan's FF car. For a 172 at least $10 grand a year for hanger, annual
> inspection, insurance and fuel for 50 hours of flying. Then there are
> the things that break and have to be fixed. A single tire costs about
> $300 for the tire, tube and labor. I had one go flat last summer and
> had to get a quote from the local shop before I could get the repair
> authorized by CAP.

Excuses, excuses...



Apr 12, 2017, 4:43:50 PM4/12/17
Not how it happened, Shit Stain. He was passing... ...and you moved over right into his path. The video proved it... matter what you and your sock proclaim.


Alan Baker

Apr 12, 2017, 4:44:19 PM4/12/17
And since I've never claimed mastery, I'm not the kind of liar you are.

BTW, do you acknowledge that I was hit from behind through no fault of
my own...

...or do you want to stand with the sociopath?


Alan Baker

Apr 12, 2017, 4:46:27 PM4/12/17

Am I not giving you enough attention, Michael.


Alan Baker

Apr 12, 2017, 4:48:45 PM4/12/17
That's not what a driver who was on track with me said.

Let me refresh your memory:

'Looks like the Ecoboost missed his braking point as he split the 2 FCs
and tried to get all 3 cars into 1. Once in too deep he locked up the
rears (too much rear bias) and left skid marks starting at about the
0.03s mark. He drfited/slid out into the FF as it tried to make T1 even
after contact the Ecoboost continued to drift out to about 1 car width
from track left meaning the FF would have had to be on the marbles/track
edge for the class to have been clean.

FF left aprox 5 car widths for the clean pass on the inside and would
have probably had to have bailed right after turn in to avoid contact.'

Now, I know you'll claim that's my "sock", but how do you explain the
fact that that YouTube account has existed since 2013, and that he
posted that video BEFORE we even began our discussion?



Apr 12, 2017, 6:03:56 PM4/12/17
On Wednesday, April 12, 2017 at 4:43:11 PM UTC-4, Alan Baker wrote:
> On 2017-04-12 1:33 PM, Thomas E. wrote:
> > On Tuesday, April 11, 2017 at 9:09:14 PM UTC-4, -hh wrote:
> >> Tommy wrote:
> >>> ..., it's always something! Worn tires, a loose carb, detonation
> >>> and burned pistons, a misfire, wrong jet setting, 4% overweight,
> >>> rear-ended by a faster car, spin outs, and more...
> >>
> >> So long as he's still enjoying what he's doing, it doesn't really
> >> matter, doesn't it?
> >>
> >> ..or is it that you only derive your own personal happiness by
> >> tearing others down? That's fucked up, dude.
> >>
> >> ...particularly since he outright owns the toys for his hobby,
> >> which you have never done. Perhaps your hostility is just
> >> jealously? From this insight, it certainly appears that way.
> >>
> >>
> >> -hh
> >
> > Excuse me, but my other hobby is skiing. I rented the first time in
> > 1986, and have owned every since. I also own a whole bag of flying
> > accessories. That would include 4 headsets, an ADS-B receiver, and a
> > handheld backup VHF transceiver /VOR/Localizer receiver. I have also
> > paid for over 100 hours of flight instruction.
> Wow. You've owned skis!
> I'm a skier, too, Liarboy; an instructor in fact.

I skied for awhile myself ... my first set of sticks was sometime
back in high school...DIY upgraded them to "CubCo" bindings. Out
in the garage, I still do have one last pair and the last time out
on the slopes, I was volunteering to officiate some local USSA races.

> > You can't buy and maintain an airplane for anywhere near the cost of
> > Alan's FF car. For a 172 at least $10 grand a year for hanger, annual
> > inspection, insurance and fuel for 50 hours of flying. Then there are
> > the things that break and have to be fixed. A single tire costs about
> > $300 for the tire, tube and labor. I had one go flat last summer and
> > had to get a quote from the local shop before I could get the repair
> > authorized by CAP.
> Excuses, excuses...

Particularly since we already know that 50 hours at a $150/hr rental
rate is $7500 of his "$10K" claim.

In any case, even personal support equipment really isn't usually
a short term consumable; even though its probably just a couple
of $K in total, it surely took Tommy years to build up. And the
same is true of stuff like my photography interests. For example,
I'm still using my 2010 UW system, which means that after this
year, it will have amortized down to ~$1K/year (before maintenance).
And similarly for the land-based stuff I added last year & last week.


Apr 13, 2017, 7:59:05 AM4/13/17
Excuses, excuses.


Thomas E.

Apr 13, 2017, 8:31:26 AM4/13/17
And a time-share condo in Avon Colorado. As I recall you gave up skiing several years ago. Also as I recall you were a volunteer instructor at a local slope, not a professional at a major resort. Big WHOOP! I taught my whole family how to ski.

Thomas E.

Apr 13, 2017, 8:46:11 AM4/13/17
The $10k is $375/month for a hanger ($4,500/year) $2,000 for an annual with a few normal discrepancies, $1,000 insurance, and $2,500 for fuel at $50/hour. That does not include wear and tear on the engine ($15-20/hour eventually at overhaul time) or unscheduled repairs.

I still have my first and second skis hanging in the garage. Both are K2s with Solomon bindings. I threw my original rear entry boots in a dumpster. I remember that like it was yesterday. It was at Heavenly in circa 1998 after a few runs on Evolution 8s.


Apr 13, 2017, 9:47:05 AM4/13/17
On Thursday, April 13, 2017 at 8:46:11 AM UTC-4, Thomas E. wrote:
> [...]
> The $10k is $375/month for a hanger ($4,500/year) $2,000 for
> an annual with a few normal discrepancies, $1,000 insurance,
> and $2,500 for fuel at $50/hour. That does not include wear
> and tear on the engine ($15-20/hour eventually at overhaul
> time) or unscheduled repairs.

So what? If you don't own the equipment, then based on your own
numbers (50hrs @ $150/hr), you're STILL going to be paying ~75%
of this total. After all, it isn't like businesses who rent
out aircraft are trying to set their rates so low that they
deliberately lose money.

And budgeting for a hanger? Really? Why not rent a tie-down?
In expensive NJ, a tie-down is $1K-2.2K/year, which saves you
a quick 20%-30% of your alleged annual expenses. FYI, the
cheaper one is Sussex, which is outside of the NYC Controlled
Airspace and ~45 air miles from the Statue of Liberty) and the
higher one is Linden (11 miles from the Statue of Liberty).

And even if you insist on nothing less than a hanger, a big
(200 flights/day) local field is Morristown (MMU), and their
website has a listing for D-7 hanger for sale, 'asking $80K',
which at current 30yr mortgage rates is $378/mo & effectively
not really any more than what you're claiming for Indiana:


And in any event, $10K/yr could also be roughly one midrange one
week duration European vacation trip per year, such as:

$4400/pp + Air:

$4800/pp + Air:

Which gets all the way back to one of the original points:
"So long as he's still enjoying what he's doing, it doesn't
really matter, doesn't it?"


Alan Baker

Apr 13, 2017, 12:58:17 PM4/13/17

You "recall" I was a volunteer, do you? Since I wasn't, but was a paid
professional, how do you recall what I never said?

Alan Baker

Apr 13, 2017, 1:00:13 PM4/13/17

That is the independent assessment of someone who was there on the day.


Apr 13, 2017, 1:34:06 PM4/13/17
The opinion of your sock is not "independent" and is totally worthless. Like you.

Bottom line; you were toodling around with your head stuffed far up your ass.

You didn't watch for passing traffic, and abruptly moved over hitting the passing car.

And you've done that three times.

Looks like you're too stoopid to learn by your mistakes.

FYI: Your denials are amusing... ...but they change nothing.

OK... ... nothing left to say.

But... ...rave on. It might make you feel better, and it sure amuses me.


Alan Baker

Apr 13, 2017, 1:38:50 PM4/13/17
He's not my sock. He posted that video before I even knew he had it.

> Bottom line; you were toodling around with your head stuffed far up your ass.

Bottom line. The real racing drivers disagree. That video has been seen
on another racing forum as well, and not a single driver found fault
with anything I did.

> You didn't watch for passing traffic, and abruptly moved over hitting the passing car.

I did watch for passing traffic and left 5 car widths for it to pass.

Apr 13, 2017, 1:52:08 PM4/13/17
yaaaaawnnnnnnnnnnnn. No... ...on both counts. And I notice how you are sidestepping the other two "incidents" that were also your fault.

Denial is not a river in Egypt, Shit Stain.

Accept the responsibility of your stupid actions and move on. This horse is dead.


Alan Baker

Apr 13, 2017, 1:59:33 PM4/13/17
Ummmm... ...yes. That is literally what the poster of the video said,
and it is borne out by the position of the cars on the track that anyone
can see.

Alan McColl apologized immediately after he hit me from behind, Michael,
and what is the third one?


> Denial is not a river in Egypt, Shit Stain.
> Accept the responsibility of your stupid actions and move on. This horse is dead.


Apr 13, 2017, 2:02:33 PM4/13/17
Were you as piss poor as a "Ski instructor", as you are a "computer consultant"?



Apr 13, 2017, 2:03:09 PM4/13/17
Your Sock? Your sock is not an independent source, Shit Stain.

Bottom line; you were driving with your head shoved so far up your ass you couldn't think straight. Then, because you didn't watch for passing traffic, you moved over abruptly and hit the passing car... ...and, because you are stoopid and can't seem to learn from your mistakes... ... you did it three times!!!

Alan Baker

Apr 13, 2017, 2:18:36 PM4/13/17
He's not my sock, Michael. How can he be when he has been posting his
racing videos to YouTube since 2013?

> Bottom line; you were driving with your head shoved so far up your
> ass you couldn't think straight. Then, because you didn't watch for
> passing traffic, you moved over abruptly and hit the passing car...
> ...and, because you are stoopid and can't seem to learn from your
> mistakes... ... you did it three times!!!

1. I did look and saw the faster traffic coming.

2. I took a line that was 5 car widths wide of the normal racing line.

3. I did nothing abrupt.

As is borne out by the actual racing driver who commented on his own video.


Apr 13, 2017, 2:47:19 PM4/13/17
NEWSFLASH, Shit Stain. Repeating your lies will not alter reality.

You crashed into three cars...
...because your head was up your ass and you didn't look where you were going.


love ... ... those dots...

Alan Baker

Apr 13, 2017, 2:50:04 PM4/13/17
Newsflash, Michael: I've told no lies, and the reality is that the real
racing drivers completely disagree with you.



Apr 13, 2017, 3:42:07 PM4/13/17

"Alan Baker" wrote in message news:ocoh8q$c0v$
Yes, Shit Stain, you have told many lies....
on this thread... ...and many others.....because you... ...are a
pathological liar....who just can't stand being in the wrong.....
...something to do with your narcissism.

> and the reality is that the real racing drivers completely disagree with
> you.

Hmmmmmm...and yesterday it was "the whole racing community"....

Look, asshole, try to keep track of your lies.

The way it works, you can lie until you are blue in the face, reality won't
change, and neither will what I know as fact. What we all know as fact.
Perhaps you can beg and grovel for support... ...again.

FYI, Shit Stain; I race on the track also, And what you did was plain as
crashed into three other cars because your head was firmly up your ass.....

You... ...are a menace. I'm surprised you haven't killed anyone yet.


Alan Baker

Apr 13, 2017, 4:03:06 PM4/13/17
Nope. Sorry.

>> and the reality is that the real racing drivers completely disagree
>> with you.
> Hmmmmmm...and yesterday it was "the whole racing community"....
> Look, asshole, try to keep track of your lies.

That was called "hyperbole", Michael

> The way it works, you can lie until you are blue in the face, reality won't
> change, and neither will what I know as fact. What we all know as fact.
> Perhaps you can beg and grovel for support... ...again.

Reality won't change the fact that you cannot produce one person
actually qualified to comment who agrees with you.

> FYI, Shit Stain; I race on the track also, And what you did was plain as
> day.......

But you've never provided the slightest proof of it, so...


> crashed into three other cars because your head was firmly up your ass.....
> You... ...are a menace. I'm surprised you haven't killed anyone yet.

And yet the most senior and experienced drivers of the Sports Car Club
of BC chose me to join them in instructing novices.

Once again, the real drivers disagree with you.



Apr 13, 2017, 4:26:02 PM4/13/17

"Alan Baker" wrote in message news:ocolhf$j2d$
>That was called "hyperbole", Michael.


> The way it works, you can lie until you are blue in the face, reality
> won't
> change, and neither will what I know as fact. What we all know as fact.
> Perhaps you can beg and grovel for support... ...again.

>Reality won't change the fact that you cannot produce one person actually
>qualified to comment who agrees with you.

> FYI, Shit Stain; I race on the track also, And what you did was plain as
> day.......

>But you've never provided the slightest proof of it, so...


It's on the videos that you so stoopidy posted.

> crashed into three other cars because your head was firmly up your
> ass.....
> You... ...are a menace. I'm surprised you haven't killed anyone yet.

>And yet the most senior and experienced drivers of the Sports Car Club
of BC chose me to join them in instructing novices.

BWAHAAAHAAAHAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA.. instruct them to what? Look before they move

>Once again, the real drivers disagree with you.

Really... can you get a bunch to post here to reinforce your lies?

FYI: I'm a real driver, and you...

...are a totally inept dilettante, wanna be "wace car driber".


Alan Baker

Apr 13, 2017, 4:33:03 PM4/13/17
Thanks for agreeing with me.


>>> and the reality is that the real racing drivers completely disagree
>>> with you.
>> Hmmmmmm...and yesterday it was "the whole racing community"....
>> Look, asshole, try to keep track of your lies.
>> That was called "hyperbole", Michael.


>> The way it works, you can lie until you are blue in the face, reality
>> won't
>> change, and neither will what I know as fact. What we all know as fact.
>> Perhaps you can beg and grovel for support... ...again.
>> Reality won't change the fact that you cannot produce one person
>> actually qualified to comment who agrees with you.
>> FYI, Shit Stain; I race on the track also, And what you did was plain as
>> day.......
>> But you've never provided the slightest proof of it, so...
>> ...bullshit.
> It's on the videos that you so stoopidy posted.

My videos prove you race on a track, Michael?

>> crashed into three other cars because your head was firmly up your
>> ass.....
>> You... ...are a menace. I'm surprised you haven't killed anyone yet.
>> And yet the most senior and experienced drivers of the Sports Car Club
> of BC chose me to join them in instructing novices.
> BWAHAAAHAAAHAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA.. instruct them to what? Look before they
> move over?

Try to belittle all you want, Michael.

The fact remains.

>> Once again, the real drivers disagree with you.
> Really... can you get a bunch to post here to reinforce your lies?

I've told no lies.

> FYI: I'm a real driver, and you...

Prove it.

> ...are a totally inept dilettante, wanna be "wace car driber".

Who won a competition with Skip Barber...

...who won Novice of the Year...

...who's now a member of the Race Drivers Committee of the Sports Car
Club of BC...

...and who has proved every part of what I just wrote.


> :-)


Apr 13, 2017, 4:44:28 PM4/13/17

"Alan Baker" wrote in message news:ocon9t$mg0$
.>..and who has proved every part of what I just wrote.

WOW!!! You are totally impressed.....

.....with yourself.

Newsflash, all your supposed "triumphs" and a buck.........

...won't get you a cup of cheep coffee.

You... ...are a natural born luzer, Shit Stain.


Alan Baker

Apr 13, 2017, 5:01:11 PM4/13/17
On 2017-04-13 1:44 PM, Me wrote:
>>> FYI, Shit Stain; I race on the track also, And what you did was
>>> plain as
>>> day.......
>>> But you've never provided the slightest proof of it, so...
>>> ...bullshit.
>> It's on the videos that you so stoopidy posted.
> My videos prove you race on a track, Michael?

When are you going to get a decent newsclient, Michael; one that doesn't
break quote levels?

And when have you provided any evidence that you've ever raced on a
track even once?

>>> crashed into three other cars because your head was firmly up your
>>> ass.....
>>> You... ...are a menace. I'm surprised you haven't killed anyone yet.
>>> And yet the most senior and experienced drivers of the Sports Car Club
>> of BC chose me to join them in instructing novices.
>> BWAHAAAHAAAHAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA.. instruct them to what? Look before they
>> move over?
>> Try to belittle all you want, Michael.
>> The fact remains.
>>> Once again, the real drivers disagree with you.
>> Really... can you get a bunch to post here to reinforce your lies?
>> I've told no lies.
>> FYI: I'm a real driver, and you...
>> Prove it.

This is where your proof should have gone.

>> ...are a totally inept dilettante, wanna be "wace car driber".
>> Who won a competition with Skip Barber...
>> ...who won Novice of the Year...
>> ...who's now a member of the Race Drivers Committee of the Sports Car
>> Club of BC...
> .>..and who has proved every part of what I just wrote.
> WOW!!! You are totally impressed.....
> .....with yourself.

Nope. It just seems to contradict your claim pretty completely.


> Newsflash, all your supposed "triumphs" and a buck.........
> ...won't get you a cup of cheep coffee.
> You... ...are a natural born luzer, Shit Stain.


Thomas E.

Apr 14, 2017, 8:07:06 AM4/14/17
That's a sock replying, not me.

Thomas E.

Apr 14, 2017, 8:39:20 AM4/14/17
You absolutely know nothing. Around here few aircraft are on a permanent tiedown. Why?

They tend to leak in a rainy weather
The paint fades fast
UV damages the plastic windscreens, tires and interiors
Birds build nests in airplanes on the ramp. You can't stop them.
Hail storms
Hangered aircraft retain value, outside aircraft lose value rapidly.

Sure, airlines leave their aircraft outside. That's a whole other level of technology. Plus, those aircraft don't sit on the ramp for days and weeks at a time, inviting birds to nest in cowlings and small openings.

The going rate for a bird-tight hanger here is $375 a month.

Loserboy Alan Baker has elsewhere truthfully admitted that he is not very good at his chosen hobby. Now, if he would just stop making excuses for every race result! He's the problem. Not the car. Not the weather. Not his competitors. He is the problem. In a rare moment of honesty and insight he admitted it. So, for every race loss he just needs to say "I'm not very good at racing."

If he enjoys not being very good at racing, so be it. I guess he does enjoy passing the slower classes that he races against? Makes him feel manly to blow by a Formula V car? Interesting.

Thomas E.

Apr 14, 2017, 8:40:32 AM4/14/17
Then I recalled incorrectly.

Thomas E.

Apr 14, 2017, 9:16:05 AM4/14/17
Do you still have your license? When was the last time you instructed?


Apr 14, 2017, 10:58:02 AM4/14/17
Despite your lame bravado, you really don't know the entirety of my
background, what I do or don't know, personal & professionals in
various industries, etc. Nor do you have a good way of finding out.

> Around here few aircraft are on a permanent tiedown...

But not zero. Locally, there's quite a few who do use tie-downs,
despite the downsides you mention:

> They tend to leak in a rainy weather
> The paint fades fast
> UV damages the plastic windscreens, tires and interiors
> Birds build nests in airplanes on the ramp. You can't stop them.
> Hail storms
> Hangered aircraft retain value, outside aircraft lose value rapidly.

Sure, it is a trade-off, particularly since essentially all of these same basic
factors apply similarly to automobiles, which are another product that the
vast majority of the time spend most of their life outside.

Besides, depreciation of a decades year old aircraft like you're likely to buy isn't
usually going to be driven primarily by cosmetic stuff like faded paint, but rather
on the upkeep condition of the expensive stuff: instrumentation and engine. Drop
$1K for a good set of exterior covers and it will pay for itself in <6 months.

Of course, bird nest building is seasonal, plus it is aggravated by allowing an
vehicle sit around unused for weeks on end. Same is true for mice who want
to build a nest in your Summer Toy Car's engine compartment in the winter:
regular, deliberate activity disrupts, particularly when coupled with some basics.

> Loserboy Alan Baker has elsewhere truthfully admitted that he is not very good
> at his chosen hobby.

Untrue: he's merely acknowledged that his skill level is commensurate with the
fact that's he's still a relative novice, a quite understandable and mature position.

> Now, if he would just stop making excuses for every race result! He's the
> problem. Not the car. Not the weather. Not his competitors. He is the problem.

So if he's the problem, then why don't you fly out and race him, 1 on 1, Tom?
You don't have the excuse of time because you're a 95% retired consultant who
is very free to set his own hours. You also don't have the excuse of finance because
you've frequently tried to brag about that too. You don't even have the excuse that
he's up in Canada, because you have a passport. You even are already using the
track's website to look up his race schedules, so there's not even that excuse.

You simply don't have any good excuse to not put yourself there, in an open wheel
car right next to him, where your mouth is running.


Alan Baker

Apr 14, 2017, 1:59:14 PM4/14/17

So many lies back into just a few sentences, Liarboy.


Alan Baker

Apr 14, 2017, 2:00:39 PM4/14/17

> When was the last time you instructed?

It's been a while.


Apr 14, 2017, 2:16:57 PM4/14/17
On Friday, April 14, 2017 at 5:39:20 AM UTC-7, Thomas E. wrote:
> You absolutely know nothing. Around here few aircraft are on a permanent tiedown. Why?
> They tend to leak in a rainy weather
> The paint fades fast
> UV damages the plastic windscreens, tires and interiors
> Birds build nests in airplanes on the ramp. You can't stop them.
> Hail storms
> Hangered aircraft retain value, outside aircraft lose value rapidly.
> Sure, airlines leave their aircraft outside. That's a whole other level of technology.

hmm, interesting. i'm out in the mojave desert and there's a whole lotta airplanes that are on tiedowns. seems like issues with paint fade and uv damage would be more of an issue out here, but it doesn't seem to be a big concern.


Alan Baker

Apr 14, 2017, 2:19:30 PM4/14/17
Not to mention that you could put covers over the windows...

Alan Baker

Apr 14, 2017, 3:09:15 PM4/14/17
That's a great idea!

The June driver training on-track sessions are the weekend of the 24-25
(I'm assuming that a man of Liarboy's intelligence can study and pass
the written test without attending the classroom session the preceding
Saturday). Come on out for that, get your license, and show us how all
easy it is!

I might even be your instructor.


Alan Baker

Apr 14, 2017, 3:19:38 PM4/14/17
And you didn't care enough to actually find out, Liarboy.

Apr 14, 2017, 5:04:19 PM4/14/17
to lost, Shit Stain.

But keep blowing smoke, dancing, lying and goalpost dragging.


Alan Baker

Apr 14, 2017, 5:24:08 PM4/14/17
On 2017-04-14 2:04 PM, wrote:
> On Thursday, April 13, 2017 at 5:01:11 PM UTC-4, Alan Baker wrote:
>> On 2017-04-13 1:44 PM, Me wrote:
>>>>> FYI, Shit Stain; I race on the track also, And what you did was
>>>>> plain as
>>>>> day.......
>>>>> But you've never provided the slightest proof of it, so...
>>>>> ...bullshit.
>>>> It's on the videos that you so stoopidy posted.
>>> My videos prove you race on a track, Michael?
>> When are you going to get a decent newsclient, Michael; one that doesn't
>> break quote levels?
>> And when have you provided any evidence that you've ever raced on a
>> track even once?

Lack of response noted.

>>>>> crashed into three other cars because your head was firmly up your
>>>>> ass.....
>>>>> You... ...are a menace. I'm surprised you haven't killed anyone yet.
>>>>> And yet the most senior and experienced drivers of the Sports Car Club
>>>> of BC chose me to join them in instructing novices.
>>>> BWAHAAAHAAAHAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA.. instruct them to what? Look before they
>>>> move over?
>>>> Try to belittle all you want, Michael.
>>>> The fact remains.
>>>>> Once again, the real drivers disagree with you.
>>>> Really... can you get a bunch to post here to reinforce your lies?
>>>> I've told no lies.
>>>> FYI: I'm a real driver, and you...
>>>> Prove it.
>> This is where your proof should have gone.

Lack of response noted.

>>>> ...are a totally inept dilettante, wanna be "wace car driber".
>>>> Who won a competition with Skip Barber...
>>>> ...who won Novice of the Year...
>>>> ...who's now a member of the Race Drivers Committee of the Sports Car
>>>> Club of BC...
>>> .>..and who has proved every part of what I just wrote.
>>> WOW!!! You are totally impressed.....
>>> .....with yourself.
>> Nope. It just seems to contradict your claim pretty completely.
>> ;-)

Lack of response noted.

>>> Newsflash, all your supposed "triumphs" and a buck.........
>>> ...won't get you a cup of cheep coffee.
>>> You... ...are a natural born luzer, Shit Stain.
>> LOL
> lost, Shit Stain.
> But keep blowing smoke, dancing, lying and goalpost dragging.

Let's bottom line it:

Everyone who's actually qualified to comment on racing who has commented
has said the other driver was in the wrong.

The most experienced drivers of my own club found my ability to be such
that they invited me to join them in the instruction of new racers.

You claim you "race on a track", but have provided no proof or even
evidence that this so, nor even what type of racing you claim to have done.

Apr 14, 2017, 7:05:36 PM4/14/17
Wasn't it you said, "the total racing world"?

> The most experienced drivers of my own club found my ability to be such
> that they invited me to join them in the instruction of new racers.

Yes, you're a legend.......

> You claim you "race on a track", but have provided no proof or even
> evidence that this so, nor even what type of racing you claim to have done.

Had you not punked, Shit Stain, you would have found out, but.... punked....


Alan Baker

Apr 14, 2017, 7:42:10 PM4/14/17
Yup. That's called "hyperbole".

>> The most experienced drivers of my own club found my ability to be such
>> that they invited me to join them in the instruction of new racers.
> Yes, you're a legend.......

Nope. They're just real racing drivers and their opinions matter much,
much more than yours.

>> You claim you "race on a track", but have provided no proof or even
>> evidence that this so, nor even what type of racing you claim to have done.
> Had you not punked, Shit Stain, you would have found out, but....
> punked....

Sorry, but I was where I said I'd be, when I said I'd be there.

And you can post proof in here...

...or you could if you actually had any.

Quick: what form of racing was it?

What track?


Thomas E.

Apr 14, 2017, 11:35:06 PM4/14/17
There are virtually no aircraft, other than abandoned hulks, that are on tiedowns at the local airports here. Even our grass strips have hangers.

I would not be able to keep up with Alan. Lack of experience and age would be two major issues, plus I don't have a FF car. Not to mention, he's 2000 miles away and I quite busy with flying obligations.

Alan not keeping up with his racing buddies at Mission Raceway is the issue.

Thomas E.

Apr 14, 2017, 11:36:10 PM4/14/17
So you fibbed. We are not an instructor. You WERE an instructor a long time ago. What level?

Alan Baker

Apr 14, 2017, 11:40:40 PM4/14/17
Nope. I am a certfied CSIA ski instructor in good standing.

Do you stop being a pilot when you're not flying?
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